Feed the Hunger Project

Namaskara Yellarigu,
Sirigandha Kannada Sangha Nebraska is planning to introduce "Feed the Hunger" project in Omaha. Currently the Indian Association of Nebraska (IAN) has been doing this for quite sometime on a Monthly basis at the local Stephen Center. They are distributing approx.15 pizzas, a tray of fried rice and pop. Personally I think this may be a great way to get involved with the local community. If we, together as a group can raise $200 and give it to IAN, they will sponsor that month's food from our group.
This can be either done by our Sirigandha Kannada Sangha Nebraska (SKSN) or if anyone is interested, we can join together as a group and do it on a yearly basis as well. Please let me know your opinion. This is not Mandatory. We can sort out the details later.